Tuesday, October 03, 2006

blogging, no... knitting, of course!

I've been a little absent from the blogging world lately. Overcome by the daily grind mostly. It's busy here with 3 kids who are in constant need of transportation! I have been knitting though.

Here are 2 finished items. A poncho made with a ribbon yarn, and a pink fuzzy scarf. Both were easy peasy, the poncho just took some time! I have learned a few things about what kind of knitter I am. I like short projects. The longer ones just seem to suck the energy out of me. I have been knitting dishcloths like a woman possessed! Love them. Also can cozies.

On the needles right now: A feather and fan wrap in brown hemp, a triangular shawl in shades of lavender and pink koigu for my grandma's bday (argh! must finish by Saturday) a halloween scarf I've named candy corn, a scarf for a person who may well read my blog and therefore will go undescribed, an abandoned moss grid linen hand towel in a beautiful emerald green, and a black sparkly wrap (knit on 15s) for my upcoming trip to Vegas, Baby!
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Karen said...

Welcome back . . . I was starting to worry about you!!! I know I mailed your Sock Bag prize terribly late - but I sure hope it did make it down to you. :)

Katelyn said...

Hey who's that really awesome girl in the green poncho?
Luv ya,