Saturday, December 24, 2005

A boy and his pocket knife

Yup. If you have a son, I bet you know exactly where this story is going. We had Christmas at my mom's on Friday. We got home and the kids wanted to watch a dvd that Parker got. They did and it ended late. Not being one to miss a chance to stay up late, Parker went to his room to check out another present he had received that night. A really big bin of Legos. Now in this crazy world, for some reason the toy manufacturers see to it that each and every toy is packed to stay intact in case of a nuclear holocost. The dang thing was strapped shut. So doing what he'd seen his dad do at least a million times, Parker pulled out the pocket knife he received for his baptism. Instead of cutting away from himself, he cut toward himself. Cut through his brand new jeans and sliced his thigh. This happened about midnight.

Out of his room he comes, "Dad, I cut myself". I was in the bathroom before I realized I had even put my feet on the floor. I hemmed and hawed -- it was a good gap and would have a hard time healing on an active 11 yo boy. On the other hand, a scar wouldn't matter there and I could butterfly the heck out of the thing. Pete and I debated until 2 a.m. Off to the ER we went. After a wait until 5:30 am, we were seen, stitches were placed and we got home about 7 am. Not only could Parker brag that he had survived stitches, but he'd stayed up the whole night.

3 kids, 12 years and this is the first time anyone has had stitches. I feel very blessed.

Parker says, "This is a Christmas Eve I won't ever forget!" Yeah, me neither kiddo.


Anonymous said...

merry x'mas

Anonymous said...

Ay, Ay, Ay!
