Saturday, November 26, 2005


This was the invitation that I stamped and sent to everyone. This was the tablesetting out on the porch for the "adult table".

We started a new tradition this year. Everyone (including adults) signed our tablecloth. It was great fun! We will add to it each Thanksgiving. The kids got a big kick out of writing on the tablecloth. It took a little convincing at first, but then they got into it!

This is Kendall after she got a shot at the tablecloth! Yep, that's a Sharpie Marker (read permanent!). I thought Joy would kill me for sure! Here's the fun at the kid's table! I'm thankful that the kids have cousins close by to hang with on holidays. That is a special blessing!

So you can see that a great time was had by all! I think for the first time ever I did not have a meltdown just before everyone arrived. It was alot of work, but absolutely worth it!

When it started to get dark, Pete started a fire in the pit. The kids always have a great time playing in the dark and making s'mores. Our friends the DePaolo's stopped by for the fire and then we all retired to the "theatre" for a showing of Napoleon Dynamite.

I'd say that it was a great holiday. We as a family have so much to be thankful for. The blessings are too numerous to list or count. Truly Lord, we are grateful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That pic of Kendall is funny. Aunt Joy was really mad!